Oh, how I wish I could just meet Beethoven... so many things I yearn to ask him, but there is no such way to communicate with this dead man. I have so many statements, questions, and explanations to speak to him about, but I am fantasizing, and yet only a magical pony that had a colourful tail and orange wings that were as big as a human could do such a thing...
And if you know me, you know that I look exactly like that. So why can't I? Simple explanation, my fur is pink, not red... ?
Anyway, Hag Sameah and Shanah Tova! This week was Rosh Hashanah, and even though having a migraine in Shul and practically dying of boredom, I stood my ground, and stayed... Even though now I regret staying and having to listen to those little bratty children yelling and screaming as loud as they may, and hitting my chair with their prayer book, and yelling, "Meeyah Soy Soy!" What is that? Gibberish for I hate that girl so I am going to kill her with my loud existence? Probably, because it felt like that.
Even though I was once that age, I don't think I was that dumb and annoying... I knew the sentence, "I want to use the toilet so I won't have a tummy ache, Mummy!" And that would of been less annoying than, "Meeyah Soy Soy, Rabbi Soy Soy!" Oy and vey... Uh...
Any way, watching a George Clooney movie right now... Always a soap opera...
Got to leave now and probably treat this horrible migraine so...
Thanks for reading!
-Immortal Beloved<3
Moonlight Sonata is a discriptive blog filled with ideas, news, thoughts, and compositions of the very own German Composer born in Bonn, Germany, Ludwig Van Beethoven. Once a month a new post will be posted. Comment, rate and share if you enjoy classical music by the original Fur Elise composer, Beethoven. Thank you for visiting my blog, and I hope you enjoy!
Who is your musical inspiration?

Friday, 30 September 2011
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Rosh Hashanah Dinner!
Oh man... I am going to gain at least 84 pounds from this Rosh Hashanah dinner... I have composed a new composition for Rosh Hashanah entitled, " New Year to Start, New Year to Finish..." Comment or follow my blog and I'll post it!!!!
-Immortal Beloved <3
-Immortal Beloved <3
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Since when am I a high tempered man with crazy hair?
Okay, so as you know I signed out a book about Beethoven 2 days ago and I just started it during my free time. I read and read, anxious to read more when I had read the most amazing thing about him. I am an asmatic and I just found out he is too. What do we not have in common? Our shade of brown arm hair? Questions, questions, questions...
Today I was looking on the internet to find something totally odd and offensive:
I don't recall Beethoven being a rapper in that time and age... ? If Beethoven saw this picture, oh boy would this uploader have a knuckle sandwich in place... :S
I don't even want to know what else he would do to them...
Any way, there isn't so much to talk about because of my boring, choclateless life... (this is a hint to my mother) as long as that message works, I am also archie comicless and shoeless and icecreamless (if you're going to the store mom, get smarties PLEASE!) Sorry that you other people have to read my wining...
Thanks for reading!!!
-Immortal Beloved <3
Today I was looking on the internet to find something totally odd and offensive:
I don't recall Beethoven being a rapper in that time and age... ? If Beethoven saw this picture, oh boy would this uploader have a knuckle sandwich in place... :S
I don't even want to know what else he would do to them...
Any way, there isn't so much to talk about because of my boring, choclateless life... (this is a hint to my mother) as long as that message works, I am also archie comicless and shoeless and icecreamless (if you're going to the store mom, get smarties PLEASE!) Sorry that you other people have to read my wining...
Thanks for reading!!!
-Immortal Beloved <3
Monday, 26 September 2011
What a day, everyone. I guess all of your finger crossing wasn't enough because today was a nightmare come true. You all know how I like a comfy couch or seat to eat on, and a nice cool area, well, being at my field trip today was not meeting any of those expectations. Bees, mosquitoes, and wasps were chasing my perfect panino to get some, at least 84000 mosquitoes had bitten me and now I have red bumps all over my body from the constant itching.
Having to use the washroom, I decided to go to the only place I knew of, no, not the portapotty (that would be a disgrace to my family) but an out house. How gross it was! I walk in, to smell the most vile smell ever to be smelled in all of smelling history in the history of smell hall of smells, and literally gag. Then I look at the toilet, and no, it didn't flush, it was just a hole with pee and poo at the bottom laying still. Then I look for the sink to wash my hands, and maybe a towel, and nothing was to be seen. I rushed out and ran to the main building and washed my hands for long until I was supposed to come back.
I arrived back at my little hut which my team had built out of logs, and I sat inside, and realized something felt gooey underneath me, and I look and feel, and a slug had just been sat on... BY ME! I had to leave, but the day just started. And I hadn't eaten a thing.
Then I am told our hut that we built got the mark of B, and for me, it is one of the worst marks I could get. I went insane. I was sweating, smelly and thirsty, and my little fashionable watter bottle didn't save the rescue this time with it's beauty, it tragically failed. It failed miserably.
At that point I was praying to G-d just to let me be alive, and not to faint from the heat. I suddenly fell and just lay down not wanting to get up, and once again, I fell on a slug. I quickly got up, brushed my self off, and ran over to more logs to take to our hut to build with. I feel something slimy where my hands is. I look, and guess what it was? A slug... No kidding, eh? I was willing to die right then and there, I looked at the slug and glared at it and threw the log as far as I could.
We were very proud of our little hut that we just finished building with 300 logs. We were admiring it while taking a rest on a rock while our instructor comes along and shouts happily (as if he enjoyed watching us suffer), "TIME TO TAKE IT ALL DOWN!" He must have been kidding me, but he was serious and quite happy to see us throwing piece after piece on the ground.
Exhausted, tired, and dehydrated we stood there, and we had finally taken down every single log. I looked at the instructor, and a wave of joy came across his face as he ran over to us and yelled while trying to keep a straight face, " You must spread them out so no one will know you have built your hut here!" And I looked at him with hatred and flames in my eyes. I pictured his head being squeezed by my fingers as if it was a grape. I moaned. We moved and moved, our muscles burning, our bodies drenched with sweat, and we had finally finished. A sigh of relief swept across our whole group. We were called over to him and he said: "Alright, as I promised we made tea with a little bit of honey, but you can't have it now, you don't have time." We were too thirsty and tired to care anymore about this stupid game so we remained silent, and when we reached school, we didn't even get it.
So that was my day, and my worst nightmare come true.
Thanks for reading.
-Immortal Beloved <3
Having to use the washroom, I decided to go to the only place I knew of, no, not the portapotty (that would be a disgrace to my family) but an out house. How gross it was! I walk in, to smell the most vile smell ever to be smelled in all of smelling history in the history of smell hall of smells, and literally gag. Then I look at the toilet, and no, it didn't flush, it was just a hole with pee and poo at the bottom laying still. Then I look for the sink to wash my hands, and maybe a towel, and nothing was to be seen. I rushed out and ran to the main building and washed my hands for long until I was supposed to come back.
I arrived back at my little hut which my team had built out of logs, and I sat inside, and realized something felt gooey underneath me, and I look and feel, and a slug had just been sat on... BY ME! I had to leave, but the day just started. And I hadn't eaten a thing.
Then I am told our hut that we built got the mark of B, and for me, it is one of the worst marks I could get. I went insane. I was sweating, smelly and thirsty, and my little fashionable watter bottle didn't save the rescue this time with it's beauty, it tragically failed. It failed miserably.
At that point I was praying to G-d just to let me be alive, and not to faint from the heat. I suddenly fell and just lay down not wanting to get up, and once again, I fell on a slug. I quickly got up, brushed my self off, and ran over to more logs to take to our hut to build with. I feel something slimy where my hands is. I look, and guess what it was? A slug... No kidding, eh? I was willing to die right then and there, I looked at the slug and glared at it and threw the log as far as I could.
We were very proud of our little hut that we just finished building with 300 logs. We were admiring it while taking a rest on a rock while our instructor comes along and shouts happily (as if he enjoyed watching us suffer), "TIME TO TAKE IT ALL DOWN!" He must have been kidding me, but he was serious and quite happy to see us throwing piece after piece on the ground.
Exhausted, tired, and dehydrated we stood there, and we had finally taken down every single log. I looked at the instructor, and a wave of joy came across his face as he ran over to us and yelled while trying to keep a straight face, " You must spread them out so no one will know you have built your hut here!" And I looked at him with hatred and flames in my eyes. I pictured his head being squeezed by my fingers as if it was a grape. I moaned. We moved and moved, our muscles burning, our bodies drenched with sweat, and we had finally finished. A sigh of relief swept across our whole group. We were called over to him and he said: "Alright, as I promised we made tea with a little bit of honey, but you can't have it now, you don't have time." We were too thirsty and tired to care anymore about this stupid game so we remained silent, and when we reached school, we didn't even get it.
So that was my day, and my worst nightmare come true.
Thanks for reading.
-Immortal Beloved <3
Sunday, 25 September 2011
I Honestly Can not List all of The topics Here... :S
I will do anything right now to get out of this big lump. My knee is injured, and legs are wobbly. So I have to sit here like a lump on my couch. On a... (you won't believe this)
Since when do I do this? What is happening to me?
Recently, I took a trip to my favourite library, and got a book about the Holocaust, and about...
My hero! Yes, it is about 600 pages, and I will finish it in like... 800 000 000 000 001 years. :S Excitement is lurking through me though, so I do not mind. And today and find out a wonderful thing that my mothers friend, and a magnificent famous cook, will be coming to our house for cookies and tea and coffee. And that isn't even the exciting part! She will be expecting to hear me play the piano, and as before my exam... Practice, practice, practice. Oy and vey!
What a week, and then I realize that it isn't even close to be done! Being part of the Hedon team at my Hebrew school, (bible study competition team), they held a ceremony for us and our achievements. I missed it yesterday because of my dance, but today I find out that they handed out gift cards to us for, "Israel", the store which I love, and I had received it today. HOW GREAT! But wait... There's more!
Tomorrow is my trip on a field trip, to some place that I forget the name, (WOW. Shows how much I care.), and we are building our own shelter... How extravagant.
Well, thank you for reading, and have a spectacular night, everyone!
-Immortal Beloved <3
Since when do I do this? What is happening to me?
Recently, I took a trip to my favourite library, and got a book about the Holocaust, and about...
My hero! Yes, it is about 600 pages, and I will finish it in like... 800 000 000 000 001 years. :S Excitement is lurking through me though, so I do not mind. And today and find out a wonderful thing that my mothers friend, and a magnificent famous cook, will be coming to our house for cookies and tea and coffee. And that isn't even the exciting part! She will be expecting to hear me play the piano, and as before my exam... Practice, practice, practice. Oy and vey!
What a week, and then I realize that it isn't even close to be done! Being part of the Hedon team at my Hebrew school, (bible study competition team), they held a ceremony for us and our achievements. I missed it yesterday because of my dance, but today I find out that they handed out gift cards to us for, "Israel", the store which I love, and I had received it today. HOW GREAT! But wait... There's more!
Tomorrow is my trip on a field trip, to some place that I forget the name, (WOW. Shows how much I care.), and we are building our own shelter... How extravagant.
Well, thank you for reading, and have a spectacular night, everyone!
-Immortal Beloved <3
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Now I am officially in...
IN THE MAJOR LEAGUE, MAN. I am officially in gr. 6 piano, and am as you know depressed I have no Beethoven songs, but no need to fear, I have Bach, Haydn, and no Mozart because of my strong hatred towards him. Beethoven had troubles, but he was at heart a kind man, Mozart had troubles and was just a cruel man at heart. I wouldn't be surprised if Beethoven had thought the same thing as he grew.
Just a check in... And leave your comments below!
-Immortal Beloved <3
Just a check in... And leave your comments below!
-Immortal Beloved <3
Monday, 12 September 2011
What a Wonderful Week.
Hi once again, and this post is mostly me boring you with my own pleasure.... Actually, interesting things happened this weekend. I am now sitting here, typing away in my room on my HP laptop, in my awesome black sweat pants. They are from my competitive dance school and just the most comfy thing in the whole world... How amazing... Today, is my first class since the break of summer, and I am ecstatic for everyone to see my sweat pants today anywhere I go because they say, "Dancer" on the back and say all sorts of other stuff you guys won't get, so if you won't laugh, don't say it.
I am now in gr. 6 piano and I am very angry... NO BEETHOVEN SONGS IN THE WHOLE THING! No Tchaikovsky or Bach or Gurlitt... ANYWHERE!!! :( One of the most sad weekends too. If Beethoven isn't in the book, why should there even be a book?
Thanks for reading my short waste of time, and...
See you next time!!!
-Immortal Beloved <3
I am now in gr. 6 piano and I am very angry... NO BEETHOVEN SONGS IN THE WHOLE THING! No Tchaikovsky or Bach or Gurlitt... ANYWHERE!!! :( One of the most sad weekends too. If Beethoven isn't in the book, why should there even be a book?
Thanks for reading my short waste of time, and...
See you next time!!!
-Immortal Beloved <3
Monday, 5 September 2011
The Conclusion
Okay, so I just finished writing my book, and now I am currently writing the sequel to it. Here is a bit of the, "Conclusion".
Thank you for reading!
-Immortal Beloved <3
I looked down with a sigh. “Kid, you okay?” Michael asked.
“No, I made friends there, really good friends, and to think you left them there to die, that now they all are dead, it hurts. It mostly is your fault.”
“How is it my fault?” Michael asked paranoid. “I didn’t throw the bomb!”
My faced turned red. “Are you kidding me? What you did was just as bad, you left people without homes die and just save me! Even when you knew I didn’t want to come with you! I would of loved to die without you there!”
Michael wouldn’t talk to me for the rest of the day, so I knew he was going to leave soon, I was in charge now of the dump Michael lived in, so it was my responsibility to make lunch and dinner now, he was probably going to go out to the bar and get drunk for a bit. Michael never drinks and drives, so he would probably wait for like 2 hours until driving, he was probably going to get home by 11:00 pm.
I fetched the fish from my fishing basket and threw it in the fire. I watched the bright flames grow greater and greater and sparks flew through my long blonde hair and the fish darkened. I heard Michael’s deep cough loudly come out coming from the kitchen. I didn’t want to talk to him now, he was probably still drunk. But he looked sincere.
“Hey little girl, what are you doing up this late? Get to bed.” Michael ordered. “No, I am cooking dinner, and by the way dad, you probably aren’t hungry after partying all night, so I didn’t cook you a fish.” I gave Michael a dirty look.
“Kid, it’s not my fault your best friends are dead, I feel guilty I left them there to die, I wish you would talk to me about how you feel little girl, I love you, more than you know. I know I don’t show it, but deep inside of me, I need forgiveness.” I looked up at Michael from my angry sigh. I felt his hurt, I knew he was upset, so I decided to give him a chance.
“Okay, you know what? Let me just build a little hut outside of your trailer, obviously, it will be hard living with you.” I looked at my burnt fish, and put it on the clean detailed glass plate. I walked inside silently not looking back at Michael’s upset sigh.
I read more and more of my most prized book, by Shelbea Trente, my favourite author, and closed my beloved book when I saw Michael approach my room.
“Arianna, pack your bags. I phoned your Aunt Lucy to take you to her big penthouse, you can’t live here.”
“Why? I love it here! I love the forest, I’ve made friends with a hawk! Where else can you do that?” I laughed.
“People are after me, Arianna, if they find me, they’ll find you. I did something earlier in life after I left you-”
“What happened? What did you do?” I cut Michael off. “Well, I haven’t answered the one question you always ask me, which is how’d you know the bomb was coming and when to save you, well, I kind of have a gift, a gift of a man who can read or see the future. So people hunt others down with a gift like that, and if you are found, they will kill you.”
I was in shock, my dad was a man who could read the future, or see apparently, I froze. I looked back at Michael and said, “You and I are staying together, I don’t have a mom or a dad now, no. You’re staying with me.”
I ended up packing my bags, I always have never made my point. It was Friday and I was going to see my Aunt Lucy and leave my dad to die.
“Dad! How old is Lucy now?”
“About 48. Why?”
“Nothing.” I made an oddly looking face.
I sat in a fancy velvet chair with beautiful curves that were outlined with a gold frame. My plump Aunt Lucy planted her fat bright red lips on my cheek. “Sweetie, how’s your old woman?” My aunt said in her New Jersey accent. “My mom’s dead, don’t try to pretend you don’t know. Believe me, I’m not so happy I’m here myself.” Aunt Lucy giggled and wobbled her way into the kitchen.
I flipped my shiny blonde hair with my fingers that were painted carefully with a shade of pink on my light, long nails. Aunt Lucy came back with a pot of tea, the pot was a beautiful china pot with a glass handle that was chipped on the stem of the flower that was part of the decoration and design of the pot.
“Now, honey bun, I didn’t mean to hurt you, I just miss your dear mother as much as you do! Come on, as long as you live under my roof, we have as much fun as possible!”
Imagine this, your aunt promises you that you will have so much fun with her, well I ended up having the time of my life helping Aunt Lucy with…
It was now Thursday and I had been at Aunt Lucy’s for 6 days already and I was still missing my dad. He promised to call me while I was at Lucy’s, and still no calls from Michael Morvan. I asked Aunt Lucy, “Do you think dad is alive still Lucy?”
“Of course my favourite niece! Well, maybe.” Aunt Lucy roared with laughter.
I screamed in a girly voice. Aunt Lucy told me to shut up like she usually does and slammed the door to the kitchen. I made an obnoxious loud curse and ran up the narrow dark wooden stairs that ended right across from the guest room, which was now my room. Aunt Lucy’s house was so big that the guest room was the size of the first floor of my old house when I lived with my mom.
I lay down in a large bed the colour of a peach with yellow daisies that almost looked like they popped out of the comforter. The room was the room I used to have my naps when I was 2 when I came over to Aunt Lucy’s house for sleepovers. I heard a knock at the front door. I listened to hear a strange sounding man come into the house with loud shoes, man, how loud can you get?
The man looked at Aunt Lucy rudely and stared at her as if he was ordering her. I walked down stairs and asked Aunt Lucy a question I didn’t care about, I just wanted to see who the obnoxious man was.
It turned out the man was Aunt Lucy’s boyfriend who she met at the bar in San Francisco. Did I mention Lucy is a huge partier? Well, I should’ve because now if this man is going to date such a partier, wait until he meets me, the modest girl he has to live with. I just hope I don’t have to go to their wedding, well, he did propose, so Aunt Lucy is probably going to make me come. What a waste of my life.
I was home alone, while Aunt Lucy and Christopher went out to dinner, I was sitting on my laptop, telling my friends how I was scared. I only wanted to cry, I wouldn’t even care if my dad came in that second, I wouldn’t even care.
A knock at the door almost shook the house and made me drop my precious laptop. I peeked through the hidden window at the front of the house and saw Aunt Lucy, I glared and opened the door, “Yes?” I asked. “I hate Christopher, I just hate him!”
“It was only 3 minutes, a new record Lucy!”
I smiled.
I smiled.
“No time for jokes! Christopher told me that he had plans after dinner so we had to hurry up for our date, and I asked him what the plans were, and he wouldn’t tell me. So, I grabbed him and shook him and screamed when I saw a girl’s name that sounded like a joke, on a piece of paper, along with her address, and number, Arianna!” Her New Jersey accent made everything sound okay.
I laughed. “Whatever, I’m tired, see you later Lucy!” I giggled, I loved making my jolly fat aunt scream.
It was now half into the month, and my dad wasn’t phoning. So, I picked up Aunt Lucy’s iPhone, and called, the exact number, 6479231843, It rung and rung, until I heard a beautiful voice ask, “Who may this young caller be?” She giggled kindly.
“Hello, I am Arianna Trakoint, and I am the daughter of Michael Morvan, if you do not mind me asking, who am I speaking with?” I asked politely.
“Well, this is very interesting, I am your father’s assistant, or should I say, the lady who watches your father on shift 5 incase he escapes.”
“What do you mean escape?”
“Your father is held hostage little girl, he is in jail, so only call on the weekend.” The lady’s voice seemed so nice at first, but after she told me she was holding my dad hostage, I wanted to make sure she could never speak again.
“Oh, thank you for your time, and thanks for telling me my dad is held hostage, that was REALLY, nice to know!” I yelled in to the phone.
I needed a plan to get my dad out of jail, and to get past my fat Aunt Lucy! She could recognize my nose from miles away! I had to think well, but fast…
I told Lucy when I was “pretending to go to the mall with my buds”, that I was running out of shoes, she looked down at my ripped shoes that you could barely see, you could only see my squished and red foot throbbing. “Okay, go on to the mall Arianna, but be back by 6. Okay?”
“Of course, can’t wait to get out of this house!” I moaned.
I went to the St. John’s Town Jail to get started, who knew where my dad was trapped in with a guard of bars? If he wasn’t there, I would go somewhere else, it was that easy.
Yeah right.
“Name please.” Oh God, don’t I look exactly like my dad? Believe me, you can see the resemblance. “Joy Katania. I am the daughter of Michelle Katania.” I didn’t know if I had to lie to see my dad, and I did like the name Katania, and to fool around with people.
“I don’t know a Michelle!”
“That’s because she is a secret, only you and I know about her now.” I winked at the broad looking man. “Okay, well if that’s the case, here, take the secret way, it’s just passing Michael Morvan’s room.” I giggled.
“I tricked the man at the front! He thought I was going to see Michelle Katania, but I was actually seeing you! Now he is going to report a Michelle Katania that is a BIG secret to the jail, and he’ll get fired for making up something so stupid!” I laughed heavily.
“Get out of here! I thought I warned you! You know what! I don’t appreciate you coming, get out of here!” Michael screamed, but still whispered softly at the same time.
Michael looked skinny, old, and weak. He looked more strict each time he spoke. He wasn’t the careless Michael I knew, he was serious when he warned me.
“No father, I don’t but I missed you! You didn’t call and I was-“
“I couldn’t call! They watch your every move! If you didn’t know I was in jail and called me… dad, they would be after you…” Michael seemed quiet and scared. He shivered from his spine to his feet and was red all over.
“Michael , I miss you. I miss your every day hugs and curses. I miss your once a month slap, and everyday laughs. I know, that seems stupid to miss, but it made me realize, that is SO much better than living with my mother’s dead body staring at me every night, as if I were pretending she was alive, and hoping she could still take care of me. I lied to Lucy hoping you would like to come along and escape!”
Michael looked at me as if I were an idiot, “They will see you! They are all over! You couldn’t pull it off, and if they did catch me, they would beat me until they see my funeral booked! I wouldn’t take a chance any-“
“Stop right there Mr. Morvan! You always taught me to stick to my guns, literally, and now, it’s time someone tells you that! Get out of this jail and feel free just because you have a gift!” I smiled and cheered, feeling just like Mackenzie Joy, the head cheerleader at my home school.
“Michael looked at me disappointed, “I never taught you that little flutter budget, and I never would, that’s stupid and wrong, guess your mom taught you that one.” I pushed Michael.
“Maybe she did teach me that one, it’s better than you could ever of come up with!” I stomped my foot and left the jail, it was depressing to see my father looking and sounding like a pile of trash.
While leaving the jail, I thought I saw someone that looked familiar, and I realized it was the owner of the orphanage! There were rumors that she threw the bombs because she was going to commit suicide. Now, she was in jail for killing over 100 children.
“Oh my gosh, holy! I thought I would never see you again, Jenna! How are you?” I guess I looked sarcastic, because Jenna said, “Well, I’m in jail stuck and trapped and dying and getting teased by an 18 year old, so I think pretty fine!” I smiled.
I suddenly heard a terrible shriek, that sounded like a scream. I hurried to Michael’s room to find him yelling for help as police cut his hair to his ears. Michael had hair to his shoulders before and was terrified to see it was gone.
I held Michael’s hand as the police carried me away, he screamed and yelled, but it wasn’t because of his hair…
He was having a heart attack.
I couldn’t let this happen, my mother died of a heart attack and I couldn’t live with Aunt Lucy for the rest of my life, well, I thought Michael was take care of me afterwards he was let out of jail, but I remembered Michael telling me it was far too dangerous to live with him.
I yelled at a police officer, “I am in training! I know that I’m only a teenager, 18, but I was accepted, that good!” I convinced a dumb looking officer, “Boys! This one is in training! Let her do her job!” I smiled and thanked the clueless man and said, “Now, open that door for me, Joe, I’ll bring this guy to a slammer with, “less”, hair. Open all the doors now, even the one that leads to our cars, this one is dangerous, I’m going to take him downtown boys.” I tried to sound like they sound in those police movies, and for an 18 year old lady, I thought I did well.
I quickly led my dad out of the slammer and raced to the cars, “DRIVE DAD, DRIVE!” I hurried my hurting dad, not even caring or noticing he was almost dead.
We got 2 tickets, and yelled at by the same old, cranky lady behind us 6 times. I should of realized he was asleep.
I was sent home by the cops back to Lucy’s and got a 10,000 dollar fined for impersonating a cop. I was angry, my dad was sent to jail for 4 more years all because of me, and I had no chance of getting a call, or seeing him ever again.
Aunt Lucy took the whole fined pretty well, I think, “ Holy God! You stupid girl! My, $10,000! Why won’t your dad pay for this!? He was driving!”
I looked down, “The police said if I took him out and released him, I wouldn’t have to pay for letting him escape since it is such a high price for the fined and I got a ticket, so-”
Lucy cut me off, “ Why didn’t you drive? You have your license! I knew I couldn’t let a Morvan in my house, you Morvans are all idiots, wild I should say.” I was fed up with Lucy, she has gone to far, I was ready to escape somewhere I call jail, Lucy’s house.
“Lucy, you are older than me, so I should respect my elders, so I will say this the nicest way I can, we Morvans have very high ability, more than you will ever have. So, oh I can’t take this! Shut up about me and I live here so close your loud beak and start quacking about someone else!” I felt relieved, I could hear that effect that is on TV start to cheer for me and gasp. I loved feeling right about my family, I knew more than anyone did about my mother and father, and now that I was living with Lucy, I could show my talent and joy by going against her all of my life.
I was tired of being bullied by my own aunt, so I decided to run away. I had planned to go to my friend Becky’s house until I get a job and a house and a car.
I didn’t tell Lucy I was leaving, I just called Becky and she asked her parents and I packed.
It was that simple, but there were a few obstacles…
-Immortal Beloved <3
Friday, 2 September 2011
I find out today I passed my exam with 80% and have honours! What a relief, and accomplishment!
-Immortal Beloved<3
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Hi, as you know I am Immortal Beloved, and just happen so to be in gr. 6 piano, and have done 2 Royal Conservatory exams in my life, and am absolutely in love with Ludwig Van Beethoven. I have written many biographies and scrapbooks about him, and play many on his songs.
When I grow up I want to be a composer like Beethoven, and play many instruments.
I teach piano to my friends, and really love to play.
The song above is my favourite song my Beethoven, entitled, "Moonlight Sonata". Sonata #14. My grandmother used to play it, and now is ill, so I have tried to learn it, but I am not in gr.12 piano, I am only in gr. 6. So if you have the sheet music for it, please comment below and tell me where I can find it.
Thank you!
-Immortal Beloved <3
When I grow up I want to be a composer like Beethoven, and play many instruments.
I teach piano to my friends, and really love to play.
The song above is my favourite song my Beethoven, entitled, "Moonlight Sonata". Sonata #14. My grandmother used to play it, and now is ill, so I have tried to learn it, but I am not in gr.12 piano, I am only in gr. 6. So if you have the sheet music for it, please comment below and tell me where I can find it.
Thank you!
-Immortal Beloved <3
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