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Monday, 3 October 2011

The Beethoven Mystery

Hi again, and thank you for all of your views.

I have my mind boggled over many topics, (if you know me, you can definitely figure that out just by asking me how my day was), but the most intriguing question I have ever asked myself is: 'Who is Immortal Beloved?' If some of you have never heard of Immortal Beloved, she was a lady whom Ludwig fell in love with, and left her a note before his painful death adressed to Immortal Beloved. And not one soul has come up with an answer to this question. People have done as much research as they can to find out, but all they can see clearly is she was Beethoven's main focus after he had become ill. So who was she? This post is not to tell whom, but to discuss the facts we can piece together to figure out just a bit more...

We know she was Beethoven's life's focus and we know she was the mother of Karl Van Beethoven whom Beethoven adopted from this Immortal Beloved. She had been in jail for years because Ludwig claimed that she was a criminal since her previous relationship with Ludwig's brother, Maria, when Beethoven was her boyfriend before him.
Though we have no evidence of any woman Beethoven had loved, we do have one. Her name was Elise. The song, "Fur Elise", is dedicated to a woman that Ludwig loved deeply, but could no longer be with because of family and personal issues. The personal issues could've been her love for his brother, and the family issues were that Ludwig's brother hurt him and disobeyed his wishes.

Beethoven loved this woman deeply and it was described in this beautiful letter.
I also have an announcment that has nothing to do with this post:
'I now am officially playing hands together, full songs, almost to memorize, scales (PERFECTION!) in my 2nd grade 6 piano books. It might be like, 'WHAT EVS... " to some of you, but for a 2nd lesson, anyone that knows piano, understands it is a humungous achievment.'
Thanks for reading, and have a great night!
-Immortal Beloved <3

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