Who is your musical inspiration?

Monday, 26 December 2011

Important News!

Alright, before you all go on and on about how I have not been posting since September, stop yourself... I have the biggest reason why: Hold onto your seats lady's and gentlemen, because I am about to tell you the biggest miracle and dream come to life for moi...
For the holidays this year, I had gotten 4 tickets to the symphony! And not only will I be listening to beautiful music, I will be listening to ONLY Beethoven, and no Mozart... <3

Oh Goodness! I almost forgot! I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and Happy Diwali! This year, ever single present I received, made me think to those less fortunate parents out there whom are looking in trash cans or begging on the streets for any sign on a gift for their children. No one wants to make themselves or their family members feel as if they are missing out on something that everyone on Earth enjoys when it comes in December! Which is why I am writing this whole thing; not to tell you about my gifts, or what I gave to others, or how much I love the holidays, or anything about Beethoven, or piano. Read along:
A few years ago I went to Rome and Israel, and I saw many homeless people. It was around Easter, when families should be together; not that at any time of the year you should be alone, but it made me realise that when I receive a beautiful sweater I had wanted for years and it was the top brand, that I should take a minute and step back before I yell at whoever got it for me, that it was a different shade, because all those people that are having trouble even getting a little skittles bag for their family. I would like to change that, and help those families on the holidays. I can't do much, but the only thing I can do will make the biggest difference in the world.

When you walk by someone on the streets, instead of making fun of them and taking pictures, or running away, give them money. If someone is looking in a trash can, and looks like a homeless person, tap on their shoulder and give them (if you have one on you) a piece of food, or a candy bar; it would make their day, and finally, if you have something someone else would enjoy on the holidays, (like clothes, or toys or food or games) donate them, and make one less person sad on the holidays.

I know this is all a lot to ask, but if you can do something as simple as bring a smile to someones face, you are a great person, and anyone without a heart, deep inside, envies you. Please, make this holiday good for someone else, beside you and your family.

I hope you had/have a warm, healthy, fun holiday, and remember: G-d watches those you have none, and sends persons to warm their souls...

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Diwali, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New Year!

-Immortal Holidays <3


  1. Thank you for reading this blog, I understand many people wouldn't think twice about this favor, but help us fix poverty!
