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Sunday, 21 August 2011

Beethoven Biography (Short)

This post is mainly about to share with you what my whole life for 5 years has been like, and how I spent it. Mostly my educational focus for my whole life.
Ludwig Van Beethoven

Ludwig Van Beethoven, a great man of many prodigies, was born on December 16th, 1770, in Bonn. He was circumcised on December 17th, 1770. His father was Johann Van Beethoven, and his brother, whom was lost at a young age, was Maria Van Beethoven.
Beethoven grew up knowing what being physically abused was like, and the abuse was causing his deafness in his late 20’s.
Beethoven’s grandfather was known for being filled with anger all the time, and abused Johann, (Beethoven’s father). Which caused Johann to drink a lot wine and beer to get rid of stress and to calm down. This habit created         Johann to become an alcoholic. From being dangerously drunk all the time, Johann abused Maria (Beethoven’s older brother) and Beethoven.
Beethoven is known for being a psychopath with anger management, but the abuse and the alcoholism in his blood caused his life to go very wrong, and it was smart of him never to try a sip of wine so this cycle could stop.   
Ludwig moved to Austria in his early 20’s to create compositions with Haydn, another famous German composer in the 1700’s.
His love, whom shall not be named, was pregnant, and introduced Ludwig as the godfather. When they had separated and she had gone into a relationship with his brother, Ludwig was furious and was demanding for her to be separated from her son and she shall go to jail.
In court, Carl (her son) was passed down to Ludwig, and he cared for him for long.
Ludwig Van Beethoven taught Carl to play the piano and soon became the famous composer many pianists know, is Carl Czerny.
Ludwig was supposedly teaching Carl Czerny in his old age, as in the legend of, “Immortal Beloved’s” son was taught piano by Beethoven. He became a composer, Carl Czerny.
At age 57 Ludwig Van Beethoven died from old age, being completely deaf.

Thank you for reading!
-Immortal Beloved <3

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for reading my short biograph on Ludwig Van Beethoven's life, and if you have any further questions, please comment!
