Who is your musical inspiration?

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Royal Conservatory Exams, Pressure!

After so many hours of practicing and worrying, the time has almost arrived, in exactly 8 days my Royal Conservatory exam for going into grade 6 piano, is creating so much pressure and stress. I have to get 80% or more to pass the exam.

Yet, each year I make sure I have at least one Beethoven song in my list of songs to play for my exams.
The video placed to the left is one of my current pieces I am playing i n my exam: 'Sonatina in F Major.' Composed by Ludwig Van Beethoven.

The song is 2 pages long and is written one of the hardest songs played in the grade 5 books, and yet are one of my easiest  and favourite songs played yet.

-Immortal Beloved

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